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HEMP CONNECT The Story about Hempseed Oil by Hemp Connect

HEMP CONNECT The Story about Hempseed Oil by Hemp Connect

We have been selling Hemp Connect Hempseed Oil over a year now and it has turned out to be one of our top selling products and our customers cannot rave enough about it.

This is a great story about Kiwi ingenuity from these young entrepreneurs - well worth a read and spread the word:

Hemp Connect has featured in the news of Rural Delivery

and in the Herald Horowhenua Chronicle

Hemp seed oil boasts an impressive nutritional CV, including the essential fatty acids Omega-3 & Omega 6, in the proven perfect ratio of 1:3, and is an excellent source of GLA (Gamma-Linolenic Acid). Hemp seed oil is increasingly gaining validation and accolade from the health community as the pile of supporting research builds up.

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

The hemp oil that we offer in NZ is made using the hemp seeds on our Kiwi grown hemp plants. Hemp seeds offer a range of benefits and are one of the best parts of the cannabis sativa plant for your health.

For many, hemp seeds are one of the best superfoods available as they are packed with protein, fibre, and essential fatty acids.

It’s not just its health benefits that make hemp oil popular in NZ, as it also adds interesting taste twists to your food.

May be usefull externally for face & body being antibacterial, anti-fungal, balance the skin, may help  with eczema, psoriasis and acne.

How do I use it?

The light nutty flavour of hemp seed oil makes it the perfect addition to a range of dishes, savoury and sweet. Use it in salads, pastas, stews, soups, dressings and even in smoothies and sweet treats. It is such a simple way to nutritionally fortify your meal with no fuss!

So, how do we make hemp seed oil?

Nestled amongst the rolling hills of the Whanganui-Manawatu a collective of kiwi farmers cultivate hemp. After the annual harvest, the whole hemp seed is cold pressed at a slow rate and a low temperature to preserve its wonderful properties and ensure the highest quality product. After pressing, the oil undergoes filtration to ensure a smooth consistent oil, free of any sedimentation. 

Fun Fact: Hemp seed oil is lighter than water! 5L of water weighs 5kg and 5L of Hemp seed oil only weighs app 4.6kg!

And the small print?

  • Storage: Hemp products are best kept in a cool dark place or even better in the fridge.
  • Ingredients: 100% Hemp Connect grown hemp seed. (NZ)
  • Allergens: No Allergens, May contain some gluten
  • Shelf Life:  Hemp products can keep for up to 12 months, but it’s best to consume them within 3 months of opening.

Posted: Thursday 19 May 2022


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